Black College Dollars – Scholarships for African-American Students, 2007-2008 Directory

Black College Dollars – Scholarships for African-American Students, 2007-2008 Directory

Inside this guide, you will find information about scholarships that are designed to reduce the cost of college for African-American students, and for all students of color.

Pell Institute report

Black College Dollars – Scholarships for African-American Students, 2007-2008 Directory

The Pell Institute, along with The Sallie Mae Fund and BET Networks, is pleased to present this scholarship guide for African-American students as one way to make your scholarship search a little easier. Inside this guide, you will find information about scholarships that are designed to reduce the cost of college for African-American students, and for all students of color.

Along with the who’s, what’s, and how’s for applying for scholarships, this guide also contains information to connect you to sites where you can download online applications (where available) and details to contact the sponsoring organizations both in person and online.

You can also visit which allows you to search for scholarships, financial aid and more for African-American or minority students.


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The Pell Institute shares the mission of the Council to advance and defend the ideal of equal opportunity in postsecondary education.

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